Dear Friends Far & Near,
It certainly feels like winter is here. We had a cold 21° on Friday morning which froze the kale that was still in the garden, and we had snow flurries throughout the day. Brrr! It looked pretty but cold. Are we ready for it?
A few of the events in the area are:
- The Christmas Live Nativity Parade on November 24 in Berlin
- Journey to Bethlehem on December 1 & 2 in Walnut Creek
- Shopping Under the Stars on December 8 in Berlin
- Christmas in Baltic on December 16 in Baltic
This Fall season has gone by so fast. Next week is Thanksgiving already and then soon it will be Christmas.
Last week the church Ladies had a sewing day again and now that the outside work is done it is good time to get started with stitching and sewing projects. Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) is always in need of comforters and clothing bundles to ship to needy people around the world.
Would any of you readers want to share what you do with Star Anise? Do you grind them or how are they used? Thank you for a reply.
Yesterday afternoon I was out for a walk. Alongside the road was a cornfield that had not yet been picked and the dry leaves rustled softly in the slight breeze. The sky was overcast with a few openings in the clouds where the blue sky was visible. A herd of cows in the field were peacefully grazing with the exception of a few that were contentedly laying down. Suddenly I heard the distress call of the American Kestrel. Only then did I notice how calm and quiet everything else was.
The coming cold weather is a good time for soup.
Taco Soup
• 1 to 2 lbs. hamburger, seasoned & browned
• 1 quart water
• 1 quart pizza sauce
• 1 can hot chili beans or pork & beans
• 1 pkg or 3 to 4 Tablespoons taco seasoning
Simmer for 15 minute. Serve with shredded cheddar or mozzarella cheese, sour cream or taco chips.
Quote: “Always begin each day anew, as each morning is new.”
Happy Thanksgiving to All.
– Sovilla