Manufacturer: Brown’s Best

Ingredients:  Lentil Beans. Product information/materials may change. Refer to the package or call for updates.

  • Lentils are relatively quick and easy to prepare. These lentils readily absorb a variety of wonderful flavors from other foods and seasonings, are high in nutritional value and are available throughout the year. Lentils can be used in a number of dishes including salads, casseroles, hamburgers and breads. Each case consists of twenty pounds.
  • shelf life 1 year
    indefintely— is best to use them within a year, after 1 year they may take longer to cook,, after 2 – 3 years they lose some of their vitamins
  • FAQ – What is the difference between Lentils and Red Lentils?
    A – Red lentils are lentils with the outer hull taken off. This allows them to cook faster than reg. lentils. Since they cook so quickly watch carefully as they can turn mushy if over cooked.