A hearty howdy to all,

I hope this finds you doing great.

There certainly should be no reason for cabin fever this winter with all the wonderful warm weather we’ve been having. While nice weather sure feels good to the blood it doesn’t bode to well for the fate of the fruit trees this spring. Those budding trees won’t know what to do when the freeze hits again before spring.

The good thing about the mild winter is that we have gotten the chance to see a lot of our customers more during the winter. No snow to push before you back out of the garage makes a trip to the Ashery a lot easier. ☺

This time of the year is an exciting time with the production of maple syrup happening, although warm weather can bring that to a halt pretty fast as well. I just spoke with our Maple Syrup provider yesterday and he says even though the weather has been pretty warm, they had a very good run of maple sap prior to it warming up.

Have you ever wondered how the process of cooking maple syrup happens? I’m sure some of you know and maybe even tap some trees yourself. If you are wondering, there’s no reason to wonder any more. On March 10-11 and 17-18 we will have a demo of cooking maple syrup on the front porch of the Ashery.

Our supplier Amber Valley Maple Syrup will be cooking and bottling syrup while you watch and you will be able to buy some syrup that is still warm. You will also be able to sample it with some fresh, off the griddle pancakes. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Watch our Facebook page for some Free maple syrup giveaways.

As I think about you our customers there’s one word that comes to my mind, “Friends”. It’s such an honor to know many of you as friends. Speaking of friends, I ran across a really good quote from Dale Carnegie today that I will leave you with.

“You can make more friends in 2 months by becoming interested in others than you can in 2 years by trying to get people interested in you.”

That’s some good stuff right there. Join me in taking interest in others. It will make the world a better place.

See you all at the Maple Syrup Cookoff!

Happy Trails,
