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18 Thursday, July 18, 2013

Letters from Home – July 18, 2013

2017-04-18T04:39:08-04:00July 18th, 2013|Letters from Home|

             Greetings from the Wild West Coast!       I, along with my wife and kids, are in the middle of enjoying a 3 week vacation with stops along the way to visit some relatives. We've been having all kinds of wonderful experiences, including a hike to the top of Bears Hump in the Beautiful Waterton [...]

1 Monday, July 1, 2013

Letters from Home – July 1, 2013

2017-04-14T03:33:10-04:00July 1st, 2013|Letters from Home|

Good Afternoon Everyone. How are you all doing on this partly sunny, hazy, beautiful summer day? We are now having typical Ohio summer weather, warm and humid, but there is a nice breeze blowing. The laundry dried quickly that was hung out on the washline. It is a pleasure to fold and put away clothes [...]
