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29 Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letters from Home – August 29, 2013

2017-04-18T04:37:58-04:00August 29th, 2013|Letters from Home|

Good Morning Everyone,     Another day has begun with beautiful weather for a summer morning in August. School has begun already and Labor Day weekend is coming up. By the time you read this it will be past. It makes a person think, "Where has the summer gone?" We have a colony with 4 boxes, [...]

14 Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Letters from Home – August 14, 2013

2017-04-14T03:29:21-04:00August 14th, 2013|Letters from Home|

Greetings from the Ashery again!       Well, a lot of ground has been covered -in a literal sense- since my last writing. My family and I arrived home from our summer vacation on July 21st after putting in 7,200 miles in 3 weeks! It was good to rest in our own beds again.       We [...]

1 Thursday, August 1, 2013

Letters from Home – August 1, 2013

2017-04-14T03:30:11-04:00August 1st, 2013|Letters from Home|

Good Morning to one and all,      This is a foggy morning in the middle of summer. At approximately mid-forenoon after the sun was already shining, the distant hills are still slightly shrouded in fog making it look like a misty dreamland. A beautiful morning!      On my morning walk I took notice of the [...]
