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13 Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Letter From Home | July 13th, 2021

2021-07-13T08:24:16-04:00July 13th, 2021|Letters from Home|

Dear folks near and far,                                                      7.5.21 We are enjoying another authentic summer day, warm and hazy. I hope everyone is enjoying a safe, long holiday weekend. The youth are having one afternoon and evening of recreation and a fellowship meal. Although we would be glad for some rain, for their sake I hope for dry [...]

2 Friday, July 2, 2021

Letter From Home | July 2nd 2021

2021-07-02T16:07:15-04:00July 2nd, 2021|Letters from Home|

A cheerful greeting to all of our wonderful customers, Life continues to be a daily adventure at the Ashery. From getting to see your smiling faces to taking care of all the behind the scenes items, there's just never a dull moment. For those of you who may already know, back in the beginning of [...]
