Fresh produce grown by local farmers is in season!

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16 Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Letter From Home | May 2023

2023-05-22T09:23:45-04:00May 16th, 2023|Letters from Home|

Good Afternoon Everyone,                                      5.15.23 The sun is shining, and a slight breeze is gently moving the fresh, new, green leaves of the maple tree nearby. It’s a lovely day. I am sitting outside on top of a culvert that was built over a little stream and the water flowing over the rocks creates a musical [...]

2 Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Letter From Home | April 2023

2023-05-22T09:36:03-04:00May 2nd, 2023|Letters from Home|

Good Evening Friends,                                                   4.17.23 What a change! Last week we had beautiful summer-like weather. Clear, sunny, and warm. Now today at approximately 6 PM we had a snowstorm/squall. It is very windy, and the temperature has dropped to 36°. Nonetheless, spring is here! The lawns are very rich green, and the grass has been cut [...]
