Preparing Through Reflection
Every year as we approach the New Year, my heart is drawn to the following words: new, fresh, future & unknown. As I ponder the thoughts that these words produce, my mind comes to rest on another word: reflections.
Growing up there was only one person in our home that I remember changing the calendar from one month to the next. It was my dad (the late Cecil Yoder). The main reason for this? He beat everyone to it! ☺ I remember often on the last day of the month, dad would be walking through the house and flipping the calendar page in anticipation of what the future would hold.
Maybe it’s a bit inherited but there’s something inside me that loves to turn the calendar page. ☺
Reflection is fun if we think of all the good times and blessings. However, it can be difficult when there have been times of pain & loss. Sometimes things feel messy. My personal experience has been that the peace and joy in my heart directly hinge on my willingness to truthfully face the ugly.
This year as you flip the calendar page to 2017, I encourage you to make yourself a pot of coffee (or your favorite hot drink) and spend the day reflecting on the past year. As you ponder the new, the fresh and the unknown may the still, small voice of Father God be your guide.
Happy Trails, Curt